January 24, 2007
  Rosalind Schilder 3

  Rosalind Schilder 2

  Rosalind Schilder
Received from Rosalind Schilder (see above): “Journey to America”. Downers Grove, Illinois, USA. Story and letters from Sarah Labovitch, who migrated to the United States –from England- with her husband and her three children in 1916, so that her eldest son would not be drafted into the Army. (WWI)
Sarah and her husband were born in Russia and they already had to leave their country once before and migrated to England.
It’s very interesting and I invite you to read it.

Reçu de Rosalind Schilder (voir ci-dessus): “Journey to America”. Downers Grove, Illinois (Etats-Unis).
C’est l’histoire et la correspondance (adressée a sa soeur) de Sarah Labovitch, qui émigre aux Etats-Unis avec son mari et ses trois enfants en 1916, depuis l’Angleterre, pour que son fils aîné ne soit pas appelé à la guerre.
Sarah et son mari étaient nés en Russie et avaient déjà dû immigrer de Russie en Angleterre…
C’est très intéressant!

Recibido de Rosalind Schilder (ver arriba), “Journey to America”. Downers Grove, Illinois (Estados Unidos). Es la historia y la correspondencia de Sarah Labovitch, quien emigra a los Estados Unidos con su esposo y sus tres hijos en 1916, desde Inglaterra, para salvar a su hijo mayor de la guerra.
Sarah y su esposo habían nacido en Rusia y ya habían tenido que emigrar una vez hacia Inglaterra…
Es muy interesante, y les invito a que lo lean.

  Zayra Mo

Received from Zayra Mo, Miami Florida (USA); “Tomateros”. “Tomateros” is a digital photo montage that remembers the immigrant workers at the tomatoes plantations in the USA.

Reçu de Zayra Mo, Miami, Floride (Etats-Unis); “Tomateros”. Montage photo qui évoque les travailleurs immigrés dans les plantations de tomates aux Etats-Unis.

Recibido de Zayra Mo, Miami, Florida (Estados Unidos): “Tomateros”. Foto montaje que trata de los trabajadores inmigrantes en las plantaciones de tomates en Estados Unidos.
  Sylvie Graindorge

Received from Sylvie Graindorge, Chaux des Crotenay, (Jura), France. Collage “Eldorado”.

Reçu de Sylvie Graindorge, Chaux des Crotenay, Jura, France. Collage “Eldorado”.

Recibido de Sylvie Graindorge, Chaux des Crotenay, (Jura), Francia. Collage “Eldorado”.
  F. Xavier Forés

Received from F. Xavier Forés, from Tortosa, Tarragona, Spain. Acrylic on paper.

Reçu de F. Xavier Forés, de Tortosa, Tarragona, Espagne. Acrylique sur papier.

Recibido de F. Xavier Forés, de Tortosa, Tarragona, España. Acrílica en papel.
Received from the artist Nadia (last name illegible), Bologna, Italy. Collage and print, “Horizons”.

Reçu de Nadia (nom de famille illisible), Bologna, Italie. Collage et impression. “Horizons”.

Recibido de Nadia (apellido ilegible), Bologna, Italia. Collage e impresión. “Horizons”.
  Georgina Keenan
Another beautiful piece received from Georgina Keenan, from Hoboken, New Jersey, (USA). “Border” (cut paper).

Autre très belle pièce reçue de Georgina Keenan, de Hoboken, New Jersey, Etats-Unis: “Border”.

Otra linda pieza recibida del artista Georgina Keenan, de Hoboken, New Jersey (Estados Unidos): “Border”.
  Thorsten Fuhrmann 2

The two map inspired cards of the artist (see comments below).
  Claire Jeanine Satin
Received from the artist Claire Jeanine Satin, “Coming, Going, Travel through boundaries”. Dania Beach, Florida (USA). Collage, slides and calligraphy.

Reçu de Claire Jeanine Satin, “Coming, Going, Travel through boundaries”. Dania Beach, Floride (Etats-Unis). Collage, diapositives et calligraphie.

Recibido de Claire Jeanine Satin, “Coming, Going, Travel through boundaries”. Dania Beach, Florida (Estados Unidos). Collage, diapositivas y caligrafía.
  Adeleke Musiliu Adegboyega

Received from Nigerian artist Adeleke Musiliu Adegboyega, from Osogbo (Nigeria). Quality pictures of some of his work. In many of them, in relation with Immigration, we can feel the rural migration’s omnipresence.

Reçu de Adeleke Musiliu Adegboyega, de Osogbo, Nigéria. Photos de quelques-unes de ses oeuvres, où, en relation avec le thème de l’immigration, on peut ressentir l’omniprésence de la migration rurale.

Recibido del artista Adeleke Musiliu Adegboyega, de Osogbo, Nigeria. Fotos de algunas de sus obras, en las que, en relación al tema de Inmigración, se siente la omnipresencia de la migración rural.
  Liliana Rusu

Envelope/collage mail art received from Liliana Rusu, from Bistrita, Romania.

Enveloppe/collage reçue de Liliana Rusu, de Bistrita, Roumanie.

Sobre/collage recibido de Liliana Rusu, de Bistrita, Rumanía.
  Emily Townsend

Postcard received from Emily Townsend, from West Windsor, New Jersey (USA). Print and collage. This is about her grandmother Bella, who arrived to the United States to Ellis Island from Austria, in 1911.

Carte postale reçue de Emily Townsend, de West Windsor, New Jersey (Etats-Unis). Impression et collage. L’artiste s’est inspirée de l’histoire de sa grand-mère Bella, arrivée depuis l’Autriche aux Etats-Unis, par Ellis Island, en 1911.

Postal recibida de Emily Townsend, de West Windsor, New Jersey (Estados Unidos). Impresión y collage. Ella se inspiró de la historia de su propia abuela, Bella, quien llegó desde Austria a los Estados Unidos, por Ellis Island, en 1911.
  Daniele Davalli

Postcard received from Daniele Davalli, from Castenaso (Bologna), Italy. Collage and acrylic.

Carte postale reçue de Daniele Davalli, de Castenaso (Bologna), Italie. Collage et acrylique.

Postal recibida de Daniele Davalli, de Castenaso (Bologna), Italia. Collage y acrílica.
  Boris Dumesnil

Boris Dumesnil (Quebec, Canada). New pieces received from his series “E01: Engoulement de l’Amérique”.

Boris Dumesnil (Québec, Canada). Nouvelles pièces reçues, de sa série “E01: Engoulement de l’Amérique”.

Boris Dumesnil (Quebec, Canadá). Nuevas piezas recibidas, de su serie “E01: Engoulement de l’Amérique”.
  Fiona Jappy
From Fiona Jappy, Moray, Scotland (UK). “It had been taken away”. Diptych, digitally altered paintings.
On a note attached to the piece, she explains:
“I previously lived in America for three years while undertaking my MFA in 2D/Painting at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. On completion of my studies, due to circumstance, I had to return to Scotland, my native homeland. ‘It had been taken away’ deals with the issue of the loss of my “American Dream” and the barriers that are now in place between my life now and aspects from my past life which now seem unobtainable”.

Mail art reçu de Fiona Jappy, Moray, Ecosse (Royaume-Uni). “It has been taken away”. Peinture travaillée et transformée par ordinateur.
Sur une note jointe, elle explique avoir étudié pendant trois ans aux Etats-Unis, et a dû ensuite retourner en Ecosse. Son oeuvre évoque la perte de son “rêve américain” et les barrières qui se sont installées entre sa vie actuelle et sa vie passée.

Mail art recibido de Fiona Jappy, Moray, Escocia: “It has been taken away”.
Pintura trabajada y transformada por computadora.
En nota adjunta, explica que estudió durante tres años en Estados Unidos y que tuvo que volver a Escocia para completar sus estudios después; su obra expresa la pérdida de su “sueño americano” y las barreras entre su vida actual y la vida que tenía entonces.
  Thorsten Fuhrmann

Three of the five pieces received from Thorsten Fuhrmann, from Huglfing, Germany. Print and collage. The artist works with maps, as we can see in two of the postcards (above): one is from his series “map” and the other one (#3) is an enlarged copy of a map.

Trois des cinq cartes postales (impressions et collages) reçues de l’artiste Thorsten Fuhrmann, de Huglfing, Allemagne. L’artiste travaille sur le thème des cartes géographiques, comme on peut le voir sur deux des pièces reçues (voir plus haut): l’une fait partie de sa série “map” (carte) et l’autre (la 3ème) est une copie élargie d’un détail d’une carte.

Tres de las cinco postales recibidas del artista Thorsten Fuhrmann, de Huglfing, Alemania. El artista trabaja sobre el tema de los mapas, como lo vemos en dos de las piezas recibidas (ver arriba); la primera, que es parte de su serie “map” (mapa), la otra (la postal #3) es un detalle ampliado de un mapa.
  Marie Eve Cholette
Painted and transformed photograph on canvas, received from Marie Eve Cholette, from Longueuil, Quebec, Canada.

Photographie transformée et peinte sur toile, reçue de Marie Eve Cholette, de Longueuil, Québec, Canada.

Fotografía transformada y pintada en lienzo, recibida de Marie Eve Cholette, de Longueuil, Quebec, Canadá.
  Aidan Moran
Photo/mail art received from Aidan Moran, from Clinton, Connecticut, USA. “U-Turn to the USA”. The artist defines his art as “photographic humor” or “Laughable Art”.

Photo/mail art reçue de Aidan Moran, de Clinton, Connecticut, Etats-Unis. Le titre; “U-Turn to the USA” L’artiste définit son oeuvre comme “humour photographique” ou “Art risible”.

Foto/mail art recibida de Aidan Moran, de Clinton, Connecticut, Estados Unidos. El título es “U-turn to the USA”. Define él mismo su obra como “humor fotográfico” o “Arte risible”.
  Ka Van Haasteren (Ka-mail)

Two pieces of collage and envelope received from Ka Van Haasteren (Ka-mail) from Den Haag, The Netherlands.

Deux collages et enveloppe reçus de Ka Van Haasteren, de Den Haag, Pays-Bas.

Dos collages y el sobre, recibidos de Ka Van Haasteren, de Den Haag, Los Países Bajos.
  Ioanna Papachristou
Mail art received from Ioanna Papachristou, Elassona, Greece. Transformed digital photograph.

Mail reçu de Ioanna Papachristou, d’Elassona, Grèce. Photographie digitale retouchée.

Mail art recibido de Ioanna Papachristou, de Elassona, Grecia. Fotografía digital retocada.
  Pawel Petasz

Mail art sent by Polish surrealistic (collage and digital art) artist Pawel Petasz, from Kalisz (Poland).

Mail art envoyé par le mail-artiste surréaliste Pawel Petasz, de Kalisz, Pologne.

Mail art recibido del artista surrealista Pawel Petasz, de Kalisz, Polonia.
  Catherine Lapointe-Boyer
Sewn clothes tags piece, received from Catherine Lapointe Boyer, Quebec, Canada.

Etiquettes de vêtements cousues, mail art reçu de Catherine Lapointe Boyer, Québec, Canada.

Mail art hecho de etiquetas de ropa cosidas, recibido de Catherine Lapointe Boyer, Quebec, Canadá.
Valeria & I are working on the conception of the book right now. We are waiting, still, for some answers by selected mail artists.

December 11, 2005 / December 18, 2005 / January 08, 2006 / March 12, 2006 / May 21, 2006 / May 28, 2006 / June 04, 2006 / June 11, 2006 / June 18, 2006 / June 25, 2006 / July 02, 2006 / July 09, 2006 / July 16, 2006 / July 23, 2006 / July 30, 2006 / August 13, 2006 / August 20, 2006 / August 27, 2006 / September 03, 2006 / September 10, 2006 / September 17, 2006 / September 24, 2006 / October 01, 2006 / October 08, 2006 / October 15, 2006 / October 22, 2006 / October 29, 2006 / November 12, 2006 / November 19, 2006 / November 26, 2006 / December 03, 2006 / December 10, 2006 / December 17, 2006 / December 24, 2006 / January 21, 2007 / January 28, 2007 / February 04, 2007 / February 11, 2007 / April 01, 2007 / December 16, 2007 /

The Mail Art Call is now finished


MAIL ART PROJECT 31.12.06/Immigration
Sophie Blachet, director of Art Vitam and Valeria Pouza, independent curator, are seeking Mail Art works for an ongoing Mail Art Project book on the theme of immigration.

The Mail Art Project will proceed in two phases:

Phase One
The Mail Art Project will collect over a period of six months beginning in June 2006, a range of mail art works sent royalty free to be published in book form. Only 100 works will be chosen for inclusion in the book entitled “Mail Art Project 31.12.06/Immigration”.
All works will be, however, exhibited online at
Deadline for the project is 31 December 2006.
Phase Two
Beginning of January 2007, Blachet and Pouza will choose 100 works received for publication in the book.
Selected artists will be contacted either by regular mail, e-mail or phone by the end of January 2007.

The Details: The Mail Art Project 31.12.2006/Immigration
Theme: Immigration. Coming, going, staying, living, borders, boundaries, legal, illegal… it’s your call.
Format: Anything goes, from postcards, envelopes, to large format works on board and works on paper.
No entry fee.
Works will be juried, and not returned but exhibited and documented online.
Deadline: 31 Dec 2006

The Book
The book will include one full page reproduction of the work with description of the work, name of artist and artist details (in three languages).
Each selected artists will receive a book.
Printer to be announced

If you are interested in participating, please send works to:
Mail Art Project 31.12.06/Immigration
P.O Box 975
Miami Beach, FL 33119 USA

For more information please contact
In English/French: sophie (AT)
In Spanish/ Español: mailart(AT)

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